September Fieldtrip to Folly Farm Nature Preserve

On a recent Saturday morning, the Pinellas Chapter of Florida Native Plant Society along with the “Folly Farmers” (volunteers from the Safety Harbor Garden Club who plant and maintain much of the area) toured Folly Farm Nature Preserve.  The eclectic eight-acre preserve is managed by the City of Safety Harbor. There are areas planted and maintained by the Folly Farmers that are all native plants and others that are Florida-friendly.  There is also an area set aside for community gardens, a playground for kids, a gazebo, a large firepit built by the Girl Scouts and a perimeter trail around the property.

In 2014 George Weiss donated the property to the City of Safety Harbor in memory of his family and with the understanding that it would be maintained as a passive park.   Folly Farm officially open in 2017 after the city, along with volunteers, cleared paths, created a butterfly garden and built a playground. It was our pleasure during the field trip to meet George while he was walking through the grounds.

Because the farm has areas ranging from full sun to full shade and includes both wet and dry areas, the farmers can successfully plant an impressive variety of plant species all done without the use of fertilizer or pesticides.  It was interesting to see the difference between the recently planted areas and the areas that are now well established.   Many of the farmers have taken ownership of beds and are very proud of their areas. They enjoy telling visitors about the native plant in their area and how the plants have become established over time.

There are also some unique features on the farm including a butterfly labyrinth, a wind garden, a native plant meadow garden and a rain garden.  One of the few wind phones in the United States is located at Folly Farm.  The wind phone is a replica of the original one built in Japan where visitors can have a one-way conversation with loved ones who have passed away.  The gazebo and large firepit can be rented for special events. 

We enjoyed meeting and safely socializing with the Folly Farmers and touring this unique area.  Many thanks to Pam Schrader and the Folly Farmers for organizing this outing. 

Tags : floridanativeplants ,   pinellasnativeplants ,   follyfarms ,   safetyharborgardenclub

The mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.